Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Effects Of Sexual Content On Children s Programming
Sexual Content in Children’s Programming Children’s programming is beginning to raise a concern among many parents due to sexual content being included along with other inappropriate scenes like violence, offensive language or verbal abuse. In a news article by Cheryl Wetzstein, she reports that â€Å"one in ten parents agreed that there were â€Å"a lot†of good programs on for kids†because all the programs are portraying sexual content or violence instead of being educational to children (pg. 40). Due to the recent technological advancements, children’s media exposure has increased, causing more children to be bombarded with shows featuring sexual innuendos, sexual activity or adult subtext. Not only is the sexual content being included frequently in programming, children are facing the content in advertisements as well. An example of this is the advertisement poster for The Lion King. The film poster features the face of Simba in which many anal yzers and parents are pointing out that between the eyes and above the nose features an image that looks like the â€Å"butt of a naked woman†creating a sexualized image some children could pick up on (Fyfe, 2006, pg. 8). Sexual content throughout children’s programming can have both positive and negative effects on the children watching. Many children will become able to understand what is going on in the show or film causing questioning and new thoughts or ideas about sexual activity While parents have a concern about sexual content beingShow MoreRelatedTelevision And Its Effects On Children1673 Words  | 7 Pageslives of most people. People spend hours every day watching television programming, so of course this will affect their behavior. Television is like a window to the modern world. Many people view the programs that are aired on television; they can gain a lot of information and knowledge. Most programming like the National Geographic and Discovery Chann els can be used as an educational tools in schools and at home to teach our children to learn instead of reading books. Unfortunately, some programs thatRead More Television and Censorship - Violence Rating System Needed for TV1130 Words  | 5 PagesViolence Rating System Needed for TV Programs While society recognizes the detrimental effects of general television on children, parents and other child advocacy groups dont feel as though there is an adequate rating system. Consequences of ineffective rating systems are that childrens personalities are being negatively affected. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has made legislation to address this issue, but the childrens advocacy community is still dissatisfied. This communityRead MoreThe Effects of Television Violence on Children1315 Words  | 6 Pagesdepicting teenagers dousing a derelict with gasoline and setting him afire, six youths attacked a woman and set her on fire in an identical manner. Several months later, NBC televised Born Innocent, a made-for-television- movie, which showed the sexual violation of a young girl with a broom handle. Three days after this program aired, a group of girls committed a similar attack on another 9-year-old girl (â€Å"Wild†A20). These are just a couple of shocking examples out of many illustrating howRead MoreEssay Negative Effects of Television on Children1562 Words  | 7 Pagesincluding the children. There is a potential problem with letting children watch television. Ask this question, would someone let their own child watch some of the programming that they watch, too? Some of these programs are intended for the adult generation, not young children. Violence has a major role in television these days. Letting children watch this violence could corrupt their minds and eventually lead to bad behavior. There needs to be a limitation on the types of television programming that parentsRead MoreDesensitization From Lack Of Discretion1614 Words  | 7 Pagesinnocence of our children is at risk. It is the innocence of our children that we are going to take a closer look at. What part does uncensored media play in the desensitization of our youth? Why should we be concerned about this issue? What are the immediate implications of immoral media in our children’s lives? How does it affect our adolescence? Does all this play a part in how we prosper as adults? The media left uncensored has lasting negative psychological effects on our children which in turnRead MoreCensorship And Its Effect On Children1619 Words  | 7 Pagesrelevant to today’s society. Those in society that simply do not know any better, such as children, are inclined to imitate what they see being done. Without censorship daily television shows are increasingly exhibiting more violence, foul language and sexuality to susceptible youth. Due to lack of censorship, explicit music lyrics and inappropriate images on music videos are being introduced to impressionable children. There is a lack of control on the internet leading to internet addiction and forcesRead MoreThe Negative Influence of Television on Children2095 Words  | 9 Pagesdebate as to how television media affects our children. Many parents have been concerned since the beginning of television. Through extensive research over the last few decades, television has been thought to desensitize and have detrimental effects on our children, which inhibits them from developing feelings of security, compassion, diplomacy, and discernment. Television watching also promotes violence, unsafe sexual practices, and eating disorders in children. According to Muscari, the average AmericanRead MoreTV Censorship Essay1523 Words  | 7 Pagestelevision are made to be broken. The amount of violence, vulgarity, and sexual content that can be found this year on television is unprecedented in the history of broadcasting. Many people wonder how television could have sunk to such a low level of glorifying violence, embracing vulgar language, and expanding sexual content in current programming. Most viewers are troubled more by violence on TV than by profanity or sexual content. Vulgar language is being embraced faster than we think. There areRead MoreHow Television Images Affect Children1547 Words  | 7 PagesHow Television Images Affect Children by Ron Kaufman [A nursery school teacher told me] her children were crudely bopping each other much more than previously, without provocation. When she remonstrated with them, they would protest, But that s what the Three Stooges do. This attitude did not signify a serious undermining of character. But it certainly showed me that watching violence can lower a child s standards of behavior. Recent psychological experiments have shown that watching brutalityRead MoreEffects of Television as Mass Media on Children of 10 Years1893 Words  | 8 Pageshttp://customwritingtips.com/component/k2/item/11170-effect-of-mass-media-on-children.html Thursday, 01 November 2012 12:27 Effect of Mass Media on ChildrenFeatured Written by  customwritingtips.com Introduction Mass media is a collective term that refers to all the media technologies whose sole intention is reaching a vast audience through mass communication. There are two major categories of mass media, which are, broadcast media and print media. Transmission of information by broadcast
Monday, December 16, 2019
Hinduism and Festival Free Essays
Many festivals are celebrated in India. Diwali Is the most Important festival of India. It is a festival of Hindus but everyone participates in it. We will write a custom essay sample on Hinduism and Festival or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is called Deepawali also. This festival falls in October or in the first week of November. When Lord Rama killed the Ravana-symbol of sin-and returned to Ayodhya, people expressed their Joy and welcomed Lord Rama’s return by lightening their houses. On this day everyone looks happy and they greet one another. Children buy toys and crackers. Shops and houses are white washed. At night people worship Lakshmi- Goodess of wealth. Tasty dishes are cooked. Some people gamble and drink too much on this festival which Is a social evil. Diwali is a nice festival and such bad things- should not be attached with it. It should bring happiness, prosperity and progress to all of us. We should send our good wishes to our friends on this day. Many festivals are celebrated In India. Diwali Is the most Important festival of India. It he Ravana-symbol of sin-and returned to Ayodhya, people expressed their joy and Many festivals are celebrated in India. Diwali is the most important festival of India. It Is a festival of Hindus but everyone participates In It. It Is called Deepawall also. This festival falls In October or In the first week of November. When Lord Rama killed 1 OF2 crackers. snops ana nouses are wnlte wasnea At nlgnt people worsnlp La Some people gamble and drink too much on this festival which is a social evil. Diwali How to cite Hinduism and Festival, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Dynamic Loss and Grief
Question: Discuss about theDynamic Loss and Grief. Answer: Introduction Bereavement has been identified to cause devastating effects on the immune systems of elderly individuals and even lead to depression a psychological illness. Scientist claim that these effects may explain why a majority of elderly spouses die after the death of their loved ones. A majority of individuals can conquer their grief without any form of intervention. However, some do not. This is the reason why support needs to be given to the elderly to avoid the effects stated above. When a husband, wife or partner dies, one loses their counterpart and companion and they feel loneliness that may be overwhelming. Furthermore, couple friends may drift away, and the survivor is left with the burden of having no one to discuss and commiserate about everyday events. They also lack a person to share the responsibilities of the home (Stroh Becvar, 2003). To be able to offer effective support for the elderly who suffer grief and bereavement as a result of partner loss one needs to comprehend th e complex nature of grief better. Grief is complex in nature and is not only shaped by a persons culture or the social context but also the sort of bond that the survivor shared with the deceased. This paper will define and discuss grief and its categories, the mourning or bereavement process with the aim of providing insight into how the elderly individuals can be assisted to cope with the death of their partners. Bereavement is that state of an individual who has suffered a loss while grief is the individuals response to the loss. This means that bereavement is defined as the loss itself excluding the survivors reaction to the loss. Grief, on the other hand, is that reaction of the survivor to the loss (DeSpelder Strickland, 2011). This reaction can be expressed spiritually, physically or emotionally and may be influenced by ones culture and ethnicity. The symptoms of grief differ from one person to another without following any particular pattern. Some suffer from depression or anxiety while others experience euphoria. Emotions associated with grief are specific to the relationship with the deceased, time of death and also the way by which the person died. The feelings may include guilt, relief, anger, loneliness, helplessness, fatigue, anxiety, and sadness among others. Cognitions may include confusion, disbelief, sense of presence, hallucinations and preoccupation among others. Physical r eactions, on the other hand, may include insomnia, appetite disturbances, absentminded behaviour, crying, wondering aimlessly and social withdrawal among others (Byrne Raphael, 1997). So as to give efficient support to the elderly, consideration must be given to the broad categories or manifestations of grief. The bereavement period is stressful for everyone. However, a majority of individuals are able to come to terms with their grief while in others the grief becomes complicated or prolonged. A study indicated that compared to the young, elderly individuals aged around 75 and 84 years are more prone to develop grief (Newson, Boelen, Hek, Hofman, Tiemeier, 2011). Morbidity associated with complicated grief include depressive illness, poor quality of life, anxiety disorder and also the risk of suicide. A study also indicated that bereavement may have an impact on the cognitive function of the elderly and that they were most likely to function poorly in relation to verbal fluency, processing of information and attention (Shear, Ghesqueire, Katzke, 2013). To better understand grief in detail, here are the categories or types of grief. Majority of individuals fall under the normal or acute type of grief (Morris Block, 2012). This type includes healthy reactions and those identified include individuals exhibiting numbness or withdrawal from others, shock and denial proximately after the death of their partner (Goldman, 2000). Additionally, normal grief is seen to be characterized by a type of somatic or bodily distress, a preoccupation with an image of the deceased, hostile acts, guilt associated with the circumstances of death and not being able to operate as one did before the loss occurred. This becomes a hard time due to the fact that one has to fight the need to react so as to make arrangements for the funeral. The other type or category of grief is the middle stage characterized by longing for the deceased and anxiety (Morris Block, 2012). During this stage, some individuals replay the final moments wondering what they would have said or done differently. Support is hard to find during the first few months or weeks after the death of the partner. It is evident that individuals will come for the funeral briefly and return to their lives swiftly. Though the symptoms of grief differ from one person to another without following any particular pattern, a common pattern can be derived that a majority of individuals follow. A short time after the death of a partner, an individual experiences severe sways of emotions usually at high frequencies. Time passes and these swings of emotions are experienced less severely and less frequently. The sways of feelings occur as a result of triggers of anything connected to the deceased like a birthday or anniversary. Getting to understand these waves of emot ions assists families sympathize with the survivor. Furthermore, they can assist the griever to identify triggers and thus be able to control their responses to loss and emotions. It proves difficult to define the duration of grief because the reaction to grief is different and dependent upon various aspects such as ones emotional health and relationship to the deceased among others. If grief persists beyond the normal time that is a socially accepted time, it should be classified under abnormal grief. When acute grief exhibits severe symptoms, the person suffers complicated grief. Generally, complicated grief portrays similarities to acute grief, but the symptoms are endured longer than expected. Complicated grief is associated with symptoms such as unbearable and strong yearning, inability to accept the loss, crying, searching, and confusion of an individuals role in life (Spall Callis, 1997). In addition, symptoms like disbelief and preoccupation with images and thoughts of the deceased are also manifested (Morris Block, 2012). At times these symptoms can be delayed coming at a later time, and mostly hopelessness may develop. Other features of complicated grief may include somatic symptoms like chest pain, palpitations, and headache. It is critical to look out for depression when an elderly person presents multiple somatic complaints after the loss of a partner. For those dealing with complicated grief, handling triggers becomes difficult, and they end up grieving continuously during yearly anniversaries and birthdays. To be able to offer efficient support for the elderly after the loss of their partner, one must fully understand first who the person that died was. It is worth having some information about the deceased especially the dead individuals relationship to the one who was left behind (Spall Callis, 1997). In this case, such a relationship is that of a partner or spouse. The loss of a partner will definitely be grieved differently from the loss of, for example, a distant cousin. Secondly, be familiar with the nature of their fondness and connection. Knowing something about the strength of the bond is important, for it is practically obvious that the intensity of grief suffered is influenced by the intensity of the love shared by the couple. Grief increases severely proportionally to the greatness of the love shared. It is crucial to comprehend the reassurance of the attachment, for example, how necessary was the deceased to the sense of well-being of the survivor? Furthermore, did the survivor need the deceased for his or her own sense of self-confidence? Asking these questions indicate a more grief response. For a majority of people, esteem and security needs are met by their spouse. After the death of the partner or spouse, the requirements remain the same, but the resources are not available (Worden, 2009). Also be aware of disputes with the deceased. This does not mean the conflicts that occurred around the time of death. Include also the history of thei r differences. Conflicted relationships carry with them unfinished business that has not been resolved by the time the partner dies. This is mostly common where sudden death occurs. Lastly, one should also try to understand the dependent relationships. These connections usually affect the individuals adaptation and reaction to the death. Adjusting will be difficult for a person who depended on the deceased for the fulfillment of several day to day activities like meal preparation, driving and bill paying among others than for the individual who depended on the deceased less. Thirdly, it is also vital to know the means by which the partner died for it carries some weight on how the survivor will handle mourning. Usually, deaths are categorized under accidental, homicidal, suicidal and natural. For example, an accidental death of a spouse might be grieved quite differently than if it was a natural death, where death would be seen as occurring at a more appropriate time. Other elements associated with the death that can affect bereavement are proximity that is whether it happened near the survivor or far away from them. Deaths occurring far away might leave the loved one with an unreality feeling concerning the death. They can assume that the person is still there, which would affect the mourning process (Worden, 2009). Also unexpectedness or abruptness of the death, traumatic deaths whereby the trauma can be long lasting and often leads to complicated mourning. Additionally, when the death is seen as preventable, issues of fault, guilt, and liability arise . Stigmatized deaths too such as suicide and death by aids affect bereavement. Where such stigma is evident, social support for the griever might be less than enough. Stigmatized deaths are related to socially unspeakable and negated losses. Fourthly, so as to understand how an individual is grieving, one should identify whether they had suffered prior losses and how they grieved those losses. That is whether they grieved satisfactorily, or the individual brings to the recent loss a lack of resolution from a prior loss (The Joanna Briggs Institute, 2006). Also, the persons mental health history may be important at this point. The ones who bring a history of major depression existing before the death of their partner are exposed to chances of great depression that follows spousal bereavement (Worden, 2009). Lastly, it is key to understand the personality and social variables of the survivor. Some of the personality variables are gender. The reason as to why women and men mourn differently can be associated with the fact that girls and boys are socialized differently. It is argued that since women received more social support than the men and that is why they might grieve differently and have varying bereavement outcomes. Coping style is another personality attribute to consider. Grief is facilitated by an individuals coping choices. That is, how well they handle anxiety, how inhibited they are with their feelings and how they cope with or handle stressful circumstances. Coping styles differ from one person to the other. The reasoning style is also a key attribute to watch. Every person has a unique cognitive style. One can be more optimistic than the other and likely to see the glass half empty rather than half full. The ability to find something redemptive or positive in a bad circumst ance is associated with such optimism (Worden, 2009). On the other hand, depressed individuals have negative views of life, themselves, the world, and the future. Some interventions can be useful to help them, for example, increasing their social contacts and, helping them stay connected without making the pain their point of connection, and go on with their lives without the deceased. When considering social variables, undertaking to grieve as a social experience, and that there is a need to grieve with others is crucial. Considering the degree of recognized social and emotional support given by other individuals both from the family and also from outside the family is also critical in the bereavement process. Research portrayed that individuals who do not do well with bereavement have not had adequate support or have experienced conflicted support (Worden, 2009). Social support can play a difficult role as it can also be destructive. A few months down the line after the death of a partner, the survivor may lack encouraging persons and have individuals merely telling them to move on and get over it. It is important to have supporters who include religious resources and bereavement groups while also undertake in social role involvements. Attempting to rush an individual through grief can worsen their feelings of distress and further result to more isolation. Continued support of the elderly throughout the process of grieving assists them in coping with their grief. Evaluating the characteristics of the persons life is critical in understanding, diagnosing and treating complicated grief for the elderly. Mental health, pre-loss emotional health, education status, financial status and cultural considerations are among the crucial factors that have to be considered when trying to support or treat complicated grief. In the case of pre-existing depression, one can be able to differentiate between bereavement-related depression and complicated grief after the loss of a partner. An individual may have suffered some emotional turmoil or loss during their childhood that must be identified so as to offer the best treatment. For the elderly, having suffered a loss as a child may cause them to become vulnerable and insecure and t hus have difficulty in setting up emotional and physical boundaries during their adulthood (Collins Logan, 2009). Losing a partner at their elderly age may further lead to severe grief. Failure to identify the past experiences of the elderly may hinder the practitioner from fully supporting or treating the grief suffered by the individual. Different cultures have different ways in which they respond to death and grief. Furthermore, individuals in the same culture may perceive death and react to grief differently (Jalland, 2006). It is evident that some cultures respond well to grief at a societal level. A good example is the Jewish culture that enacts customs after deaths like the sitting Shiva and Kaddish prayer (Dekel Tuval-Mashiach, 2012). They offer the mourners with expected and routine support. Failure to look into the society of the individual may leave out a potential source of treatment. A study conducted illustrated that the elderly with complicated grief have more success when they attend therapy support groups (Ghesquiere, 2012). Practitioners can also assist by identifying the need for and intensifying referrals to the particular mode of support that suits the griever best. During therapy it is crucial to concentrate on the loss, talking through it and relieving it helps the person with complicated grief a great deal. A majority of family and friends may avoid talking about the death of the loved one fearing that they may trigger an emotional response or dampen the mood of a particular ongoing event. It is, therefore, fundamental to educate family members and friends to talk about the loss. For the elderly, psychotherapy is greatly recommended. Religion has also been identified to help the elderly when it comes to loss. That belief in a higher power, developing a social network through the attendance of services and having hope all assist the elderly grieve witho ut enduring crippling and persistent symptoms. It is also advisable to continue the leisure activities the survivor was doing as reducing the activities increases the chances of depression. Positivity and confidence should not also be forgotten (Graneheim Lundman, 2010). The survivor should be helped to focus on the positive emotions and also stay healthy. It is evident that research has been carried out on grief and bereavement and the complications they bring about after the loss of a partner. It shows that lack of awareness is eminent in the care of the individuals in bereavement especially the elderly. By understanding the complex nature of grief its categories and the mourning or bereavement process, insights are manifested as to how the elderly individuals can be assisted to cope with the death of their partners. As indicated above, the best methods of treating or coping with complicated grief in the elderly should be identified, for example, where a study suggested therapy support groups. Their symptoms are unique and so are their responses to therapy. In addition, various factors should not be ignored when determining the treatment plan, like culture and their past experiences. It is vital to understand these when identifying a treatment plan or coping mechanism. Though it might be difficult to identify whether the elderly are more likely to suffer complicated grief when compared to the younger population, based on the factors like they are more susceptible to higher risk factors like accumulation of multiple losses as they age, it can be concluded that they are more likely to suffer complicated grief. Their mental and emotional health may be affected over time. Furthermore, the outcomes of unsettled complicated grief may become severe for the elderly, becoming detrimental to their health and lead to their death as well. It is evident that there is a need to know something about the deceased and the dead persons relationship to the survivor as information about the strength of the bond between the deceased and the survivor is important in identifying the intensity of grief. Additionally, knowing how the person died has an impact on how the survivor deals with mourning. For example, an accidental death of a spouse might be grieved quite differently than if it was a natural death. Understanding the personality and social variables of the survivor such as gender is also critical. The reason as to why women and men mourn differently can be associated with the fact that girls and boys are socialized differently. It is argued that since women received more social support than the men and that is why they might grieve differently and have varying bereavement outcomes. The best strategy for the elderly would be to use an integrated approach that involves identification of grief and its categories, what entails the mourning or bereavement process and thus integrate therapy for complicated grief with coping mechanisms for cumulated loss. As this focusses on complicated grief, it is good to also consider the other levels of guilt that include the acute grief and middle stage grief. They should also be treated to avoid them turning into complicated grief, which has more detrimental effects. References Byrne, G. J., Raphael, B. (1997). Psychological symptoms of the conjugal bereavement in elderly men in the first 13 months. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 240-252. Collins Logan, T. (2009). The Vital Mystic: A guide to emotional strengths and spiritual enrichment. Integral Lifework Centre. Dekel, R., Tuval-Mashiach, R. A. (2012). Multiple losses of social resources that follows collective trauma. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 56-65. DeSpelder, L. A., Strickland, A. L. (2011). Understanding experiences of loss. In The Last Dance: Encountering death and dying, 333-375. Ghesquiere, A. (2012). Patterns and outcomes of bereavement support-seeking among older adults with complicated grief and bereavement-related depression. Colombia: Columbia University. Goldman, L. (2000). Life and loss: A guide to help grieving children. Taylor Francis. Graneheim, U. H., Lundman, B. (2010). Experiences of loneliness among the old: The Umea 85 project. Aging Mental Health, 433-438. Jalland, P. (2006). Changing ways of death in twentieth century Australia. UNSW Press. Morris, S., Block, S. (2012). Grief and bereavement. In L. Grassi M. Riba, Clinical psychooncology: An international perspective. West Sussex: UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Newson, R. S., Boelen, P. A., Hek, K., Hofman, A., Tiemeier, H. (2011). The prevalence and features of complicated grief in older adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 232-337. Shear, M. K., Ghesqueire, A., Katzke, M. (2013). Bereavement and complicated grief in older adults. New York: Oxford University Press. Spall, B., Callis, S. (1997). Loss, bereavement and grief: A guide to effective counselling. Stanley Thornes Ltd. Stroh Becvar, D. (2003). In the presence of grief: Helping family members resolve death, dying, and bereavement issues. Guilford Press. The Joanna Briggs Institute. (2006, January). Literature Review on Bereavement and Bereavement Care. Retrieved from The Robert Gordon University: https://www.rgu.ac.uk/files/dmfile/bereavement-and-bereavement-care-literature-review.pdf Worden, W. (2009). Grief counselling and grief therapy: A handbook for the mental health practitioner. London: Routledge.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Nationalists Essays - Politics, Indian People, South Africa
Nationalists Nationalists The extent to which Nationalists should pursue their goals is a complex issue. The possible changes as well as the losses must be weighed. There is a myriad of complex issues surrounding the situation. Without Nationalists making changes, Italy would not be unified, Apartheid would still exist in South Africa, and many other changes would not have occurred on this planet. I believe that Nationalists should try to solve their problems and get what they want without using violence as a tool. Guseppe Mazzini was a major factor in the unification of Italy. He started his fight for unity with non-violent means. He tried wearing black clothing to mourn the persecuted, and he attempted to educate the people about the dangers of foreign rule in Italy. Gradually however he escalated to more violent means of getting his way. He stirred feelings of Nationalism, brotherhood and religion. In 1848 he started a revolution in Rome. The Pope was forced to flee the city, and Mazzini established a Roman Republic. The entire republic was built upon the one-time rage of the masses. Mazzini simply stirred the emotions of the people, but they didnt really feel that strongly about it. The population of Rome didnt care enough to fight for the retention of the city. The French were easily able to re-take the city, and return it to the Pope. Mahatma Gandhi represents the other side of the spectrum, throughout his life he used only non-violent means to get what he wanted. His main goal was to get Moslems and Hindus to live peacefully together. He was quoted as saying All religions are almost as dear to me as my Hinduism. One instance of his attempts to use non-violent means to accomplish his goal was his two hundred and thirty-kilometer march to the ocean in order to extract salt illegally. This was in protest of Britains salt monopoly in India. Other non-violent acts that he used as tools to persuade the government to listen to his goals were his six to twenty-one day fasts. At one time Gandhi used a fast to force his release from prison. The prison would have been held responsible for his death and would have major pressure put on it to close down. Gandhi had become such a hero to the population that, if the government allowed him to die due to starvation, he would become a martyr. The South African freedom fighter Nelson Mandella is another testimony to the ability to use non-violent methods in order to fight for Nationality. He wanted to do away with apartheid in the area. In 1952 he helped to organize the Nonviolent Defiance Campaign. This was obviously nonviolent in nature, and was an extremely helpful tool in the abolition of apartheid. In 1964 he was tried for treason, and received a sentence of life imprisonment. He was released in 1988, and ran for Prime Minister of South Africa, and won. His struggle came to represent the goal of freedom for Blacks in South Africa. He accomplished all of this without using any violence at all. Each of the preceding Nationalists success was based on the violence that was used in their quests. If someone fights for what they believe in, using violence as a tool they will fail. The people supporting him will want his leadership simply because he is strong, not smart. The masses will lose support of their leader as soon as they realize that he is not as strong as they think. The only right way to go about nationalism is using nonviolent techniques. The ends do not justify the means. Tavis Dowling
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Creation and Cures essays
Creation and Cures essays Imagine not worrying about being perfect. Having IQ levels better than Einstein, but with an appealing appearance, singing better than the Backstreet Boys, and playing a favorite sport like a professional. Well, fortunately scientists have found a way of making those imaginative thoughts into reality through Genetic Engineering. Decades ago genetic engineering began, in its most simplest form, by cross breeding crops and cattle as well as domestic pets. Different traits were strengthened while other traits were lessened in these organisms. Now with a better understanding of the genome genetic engineering has taken on another level. Scientists can now insert or activate, genes within our DNA which results in turning on or off or adding and removing traits. Scientists should use genetic engineering to improve our lifestyle. Just by inserting or removing that extra gene they can examine a human before birth and prevent humans from having diseases. Positive eugenics encouraged parents displaying favorable characteristics to have large families. Superior intelligence, intellectual achievement, and artistic talent are examples. (Klug10). Almost every parent wants the best for his or her child and genetic engineering can provide some of those wants by transferring genes. In the future if genetic engineering is proposed, I for one would surely want to make my child into someone with a high IQ level, and I know many people would do the same too. Most parents take their children to piano lessons or swimming lessons and/or even pay for a school tutor, but if one could insert that one gene think about all the time and money one could save. I mean it is not like were not transferring genes right now; take vegetables as an example. Most scientist or farmers breed plants which consist of special genes for better results, and until this day they are sold across North America. Geneti ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Sample Letter of Recommendation for an MBA Applicant
Sample Letter of Recommendation for an MBA Applicant MBA applicants need to present at least one recommendation letter to admissions committees, and most schools ask for two or three. Letters of recommendation are typically used to support or strengthen other aspects of the MBA application. For example, some applicants use recommendation letters to highlight their academic record or professional accomplishments, while others prefer to highlight leadership or management experience. Choosing a Letter Writer When choosing someone to write your recommendation, it is very important to select someone who is familiar with you and your accomplishments. Many MBA applicants choose an employer or direct supervisor who can discuss their work ethic, leadership experience, or professional achievements. A letter writer who has seen you manage employees or overcome obstacles is also a good choice. Another option is a professor or a fellow student from your undergraduate days. Some applicants also choose someone who supervised their volunteer or community work. Sample MBA Recommendation Below is a sample recommendation for an MBA applicant. This letter was written by a supervisor for her direct assistant. The letter highlights the students strong work performance and leadership ability. These traits are important for MBA applicants, who must be able to perform under pressure, work hard, and lead discussions, groups, and projects while enrolled in their program. The claims made in the letter are supported by very specific examples, which help reinforce the points the letter writer is trying to make. Finally, the recommender outlines the ways in which the subject could contribute to an MBA program. To Whom It May Concern: I would like to recommend Becky James for your MBA program. Becky has worked as my assistant for the last three years. During that time, she has been moving toward her goal of enrolling in an MBA program by building her interpersonal skills, honing her leadership ability, and gaining hands-on experience in operations management. As Beckys direct supervisor, I have seen her demonstrate strong critical thinking skills and the leadership capabilities necessary for success in the management field. She has helped our company achieve many goals through her valuable input as well as a persistent dedication to our organizational strategy. For example, just this year Becky helped to analyze our production schedule and suggested an effective plan to manage bottlenecks in our production process. Her contributions helped us achieve our goal of minimizing scheduled and unscheduled downtime. Becky may be my assistant, but she has risen to an unofficial leadership role. When team members in our department arent sure what to do in a given situation, they often turn to Becky for her thoughtful advice and support on various projects. Becky never fails to assist them. She is kind, humble, and seems very comfortable in a leadership role. Several of her fellow employees have come into my office and expressed unsolicited compliments in regards to Beckys personality and performance. I believe that Becky will be able to contribute to your program in a number of ways. Not only is she well-versed in the field of operations management, she also has a contagious enthusiasm that encourages those around her to work harder and achieve solutions for both personal and professional problems. She knows how to work well as part of a team and is able to model appropriate communication skills in almost any given situation. For these reasons I highly recommend Becky James as a candidate for your MBA program. If you have any questions regarding Becky or this recommendation, please contact me. Sincerely, Allen Barry, Operations Manager, Tri-State Widget Productions
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Recruitment & Selection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Recruitment & Selection - Essay Example Advertisements online both on job seekers' and corporate sites can be a viable way of getting as much number of candidates. This can be further enhanced by subscribing to the services offered by recruitment websites which gives employers access to its database of applicants. Having this access will allow Westpac to directly contact applicants who hopes to pursue a career in banking. Since the company can have the chance to choose the background of their potential employee. It should be noted that this can be really helpful recognizing that it is serving a diverse market which also requires its front line employees to match these different backgrounds (Boxall and Purcell 2003; Lieberman 2003; Riccuci 2002). In addition, Westpac should also consider recruiting CSR1 through the use of job fairs held at universities months before graduation. This will enable the company to establish itself as an attractive employment alternative after college. This can also be a good opportunity to intro duce itself not just as a company but to highlight the benefits and motivations of pursuing a career with them.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
European Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
European Studies - Essay Example However, this is not the only reason as to why Europe is further divided into different areas such as the eastern and western Europe. One of the primary elements that make this particular situation worse is the political divide in the country. As noted earlier, besides geographical divisions, there are certain measures of political factors that make the unity among European countries effectively possible. Understandably, it is through this particular factor that the European people are now living in different status of opinions about their governments and the status of life that they are living in. With the history that covers the European territories, it could not be denied that the entire civilization of the European generations have come into different essential understanding as to what has happened to their country to the years. Each individual is sure to gave a different point of view with regards the must's and the must-not's of the past leaders and rulership in the continent as applied in the present situation of the political status of the entire continent. Throughout its history, Europe has had a great influence on world politics. It was the ancient Greeks who first created a democracy, in about 450 B.C. This system, where the people choose the government, is widespread today. During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church held great political influence across Europe. By the 1700's power had shifted away from the church into the hands if a few nations such as Spain and Great Britain. They grew rich from exploring Asia, Africa and the Americas. Many of these colonies did not gain their independence until the present century. Both WWI and WWII began in Europe. After the Second World War, the continent split into Communist countries in the east and Non-Communist countries in the west. Since then, Europe became the center of power struggle, known in history as the Cold War that existed between the Communist and the Non-Communist countries within the European continent. In the 1980's, reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe led to the collapse of communism there. New states emerged when the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia broke up. The Cold War ended but the conflict between ethnic groups and economic problems caused new tensions in Eastern Europe. In An Aim of Reuniting Every Country in Europe FOLLOWING World War II the countries of western Europe faced a tremendous job of economic reconstruction. Their industries were in ruins and their people were poor. The establishment of freer international trade and closer cooperation was a logical response to the situation. During the 1950's an added incentive for these countries to unite was the fear of many Europeans that the threat of Soviet aggression was growing. What steps were taken to achieve this unity of western European countries Have the organizations established for this purpose proved successful What prospects are there now for greater unity in the future After long preparation, the Council of Europe was established in May of 1949. The goal of this organization is to promote closer unity among its some eighteen-member nations so that economic and social progress might be achieved. (Drake, 2005, 87)The
Saturday, November 16, 2019
In my everyday life how do I measure success and failure Essay Example for Free
In my everyday life how do I measure success and failure Essay The aim of this paper is to discuss how to measure success and failure in everyday life. The evaluation of the social concept of success should start with acknowledging that social definition of success varies from culture to culture and even from one social group to another. In other words, every society has its own belief about what social success is. For example, if a person drives a 2007 Jaguar and lives in a nice house, he or she is regarded as successful by society norms. People are trying to move up the social ladder because the society is placing a lot of pressure on them to belong to the highest class possible. Government uses the relationship between social class (lower, middle, and upper) to suggest that society is equally just. Growing up in the city, I could witness stereotypical views of low income families. I could witness people being discriminated because they didn’t have nice suits or dresses, and their vocabulary was not equal to or better than the person they were talking to. Sometimes the idea of social success puts too much pressure on people so they sometimes forget their morals and values. The problem is all they want to do is to reach new social status because that is what society has led them to believe and what society expects of them. My grandfather often cited a southern saying that reads as follows: â€Å"Money is the root of all evil. †Through the years I often wondered if he was correct. Society describes lower class as government assisted or a troublesome group of people. Hanratty and Meditz stated that â€Å"[i]n contrast, the masses were composed of the illiterate and the impoverished who lived on the margin of subsistence and possessed little or no security, skill, or stable employment. †I disagree with Hanratty and Meditz statement: most lower class people do have work-related skills and are literate. In a lower class neighborhood at a local barber shop there are always conversations about how the upper class is destroying the lower class, and why lower class people cannot integrate into the mainstream society. Some would say that their major obstacle on the way to social success is fear or ability to adapt to change. Lower class is aware that they are labeled; however, they are determined to be a driving force in society. The stereotype of a successful family implies that a husband and a wife have an income that allows them to live in a nice neighborhood. Society would classify that family as middle class. Samuelson writes that â€Å"[c]ompounding the stress, the price of entry into the middle class is always rising. The more we can have, the more we must have. Keeping up with the Joneses is the curse of our advances and ambitions†(19). The problem with middle class and the problem of trying to belong there is that the upper class considers itself middle class at times. It forces hard-working middle class people to work harder, often taking on two jobs to maintain their social status. Some upper class people continue to downplay their status as middle class. That would put pressure on truly middle class people to stay (or even move up) in the social status. Expectation of what society requires of the middle class often puts pressure on the middle class to advance. Being born into wealth has been the only way to integrate in the upper class. Today the upper class is comprised of a diverse group of people unlike years before when the rich just had to travel and throw socials. The perception of upper class as seen on television is sometimes different from reality, as the rich have large amounts of money and can abuse their power. The rich are excuse from a lot of mishaps, while the middle and lower class would have not received the same treatment. Domhoff writes that â€Å"[f]rom infancy through young adulthood, members of the upper class receive a distinctive education. This education begins early in life in preschools that frequently are attached to a neighborhood church of high social status. Schooling continues during the elementary years at a local private school called a day school. Higher education will be obtained at one of a small number of heavily endowed private universities. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford head the list, followed by smaller Ivy League schools in the East and a handful of other small private schools in other parts of the country†(24). The upper class continues to work hard on staying on top: they put pressure on themselves and their children to stimulate them to stay in the same social class. What we as society fail to realize is that success comes from within. In every culture there are social problems that result from being in a certain situation. Everybody has their own definition of what success is; definitions of success range from being rich, driving a fancy car, and living in a big house to simply being in good health and having a stress-free life. I have read a lot of articles through the years on what it takes to be successful and I stil.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Liechtenstein :: History Europe Essays
The history of Liechtenstein, combined with its form of government, a constitutional hereditary monarchy can explain its geographic size. It was one of the several principalities of the Holy Roman Empire, which has survived to this day. Because it retained its royal family, political support is high. Its royal family brings a sense of individualism and national pride to a small nation which otherwise would have little reason for being sovereign. Introduction Liechtenstein's current position has been largely shaped by its history and geography. From a Roman outpost to a principality under the Holy Roman Empire, to a hereditary constitutional monarchy, this small state has been affected by the changing of its sovereigns, which had been primarily based on its geographical location along the upper Rhine. This tiny principality has reacted to its history and geography. The prince is a very important part of national identity. It is something which sets the Liechtensteiners apart from its neighbors. Even though Liechtenstein depends on Switzerland for most of its needs, Liechtenstein's constitutional monarchy is an area of loyalty. Explanation of the Applicable National Standards for Geography This paper contains several applicable national standards for geography. Liechtenstein's position in the Alps and on the Rhine apply to analyzing the spatial organization of people, places, and environments on Earth's surface. Because of the modern trend of globalization, and consolidation, many people have never heard of Liechtenstein. This applies to how culture and experience influence people's perceptions of places and regions. Liechtenstein's diminutive size can be applied in using geography to interpret the past, to interpret the present, and plan for the future. History of Liechtenstein From Earliest Times to Holy Roman Empire Liechtenstein has had an extensive past. Sovereignty has changed hands several times, but the nation now known as The Principality of Liechtenstein has been in full existence since 1866 (1). Scholars have found that there was a settlement there in the Neolithic age. Later, starting in 800 BC the Rhaetians began to colonize the area. In 15 BC the Romans conquered the area, and later set up Schaan Castle to protect the alpine passes from attacks from the Germanic peoples (1). Its position on the Rhine and close to the Danube was close to the borders of the Roman Empire.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Corruption in the Gangs of New York Essay
The Gilded Age, or as it is commonly referred to as, the era of corruption, took place in 1877 to 1900. This time period was most effectively portrayed in the novel and movie, The Gangs of New York, which was written by Herbert Asbury. The Gangs of New York focused on a time of politicalcorruption during a period of massive increase in immigration in New York. In this essay I will discuss three themes: immigration, Political machines, and bad situations, that helped contribute to corruptions long vibrant history. Due mainly to famine and disease, immigration increased tremendously during the Gilded Age in three large waves to the United States. The first wave occurred from 1815 to 1860, an estimated five million immigrants, mostly English, Irish and Germanic, arrived to the United States. The second wave of immigrants started from 1865- 1890, ten million more immigrants from northwestern Europe arrived to the United States. Finally, the third wave, between the time period 1890 and 1914 consisted of 15 million Turkish, Russian, Jewish, and Italian immigrants. The increase of immigrants created a huge competition for jobs, wages and votes. The immigrants that arrived in the first wave who began to establish themselves eventually developed a sense of citizenship that they became comfortable to call themselves â€Å"Native Americans.†These Native Americans resented the newer immigrants, provoking racism and violence. The negativity towards new immigrants was portrayed best in the scene at the ship docks, where New York civilians cursed and threw objects at the Irish and other new immigrants in The Gangs of New York. The sudden increase of immigrants, increased the population of cities, where opportunities were plentiful. Naturally, jobs became scare, thus following an increase in unemployment, crime, prostitution and poor living conditions. People became more desperate and willing to just get ends meet. For example, in The Gangs of New York, people similar to Cameron Diaz’s character, the accomplished female pickpocket, Gangs like the Dead Rabbit and Bill The Butcher emerged from this society by using violence and theft to survive. Thus politicians took full advantage of this by offering jobs and civil services in return for political favors. Even today government is plagued by corruption, by getting certain bills and laws passed; politicians obtain favors for their work. The height of political corruption in the Gilded Age was greatly due to political machines. Political machines usually had one, or sometimes several bosses, which oversaw all operations. Under the political boss are election district captains and district bosses, which would be in charge of mobilizing the people and helping the boss make decisions. The other part of the machine would consist of loyalist, who receive the civil service and support the boss. One of the strongest political machines was in New York; Tammany Hall stayed in power from the mid 18th century to the 20th century and was also featured in The Gangs of New York. The last and also one of the most powerful bosses of Tammany Hall was Boss Tweed. Tweed was notorious for many things, one was his nose, and the other was kickbacks. A kickback is a term referred to the money the political machine received for granting contracts to real estate and other projects. The machine will give out a contract, for example a building or bridge. The government will donate money they raise by raising taxes to have the project finished. As a favor returned for the contract, the company who received the contract must give money to the political machine. The machine also takes advantage of the immigrants by giving free bread to immigrants, and giving them jobs for votes to ensure their power. Fires, hunger and any situation that a political figure could use to obtains voters contributed to corruption as well. Politicians would set fires, and show up before the fire engines and help take down the fire in front of the public. Politicians would also give the victims money to get back on their feet. Although these seem like generous gestures, the politicians are only looking for another vote. They would hand out bread to the hungry and promote their name. However, something can not always go wrong for a politician to save the day, so eventually bad situations would be staged to allow a politician the chance to obtain future voters. For example, President George W. Bush’s approval rating soared after waging war with terrorism. An example in The Gangs of New York when the fire broke out, the politicians arrived immediately, and at first hid the fire hydrant, so he could appear to be the hero instead of extinguishing the fire first. As immigration rose in Gilded Age, opportunities were harder to come by thus increasing reciprocity and more chances for corruption. Political machines became in power, basically a business of corruption. Corruption spread in all forms of government even the police. Bad situations also influenced corruption, in that, politicians made sure these unfortunates happened, to make them appear as heroes in order to obtain votes. Thus immigration, political machines, and bad situations have all contributed to corruptions long and vibrant history.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Backgrounder to Deputy Minister
This pilot project was launched on January 7, 2007. Taking into consideration the relentless criticism in important newspapers, magazines and TV channels, about the alarming increase in the drug demand level among both male and female high school students, a Committee was appointed by the Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry to initiate the modalities of Awareness Campaign with the active co-operation of School Managements.The Ministry, instead of taking direct responsibility for implementation of the project, created a special fund with an initial contribution $ 50,000 for contingent grants and selected two NGOs for implementation of the project. The issue presented before the NGOs was simple and direct. â€Å"Can the Awareness Campaigns deliver tangible results in the area of drug demand reduction? †The problem and the scenario: This is the first of its kind familiarization program conducted for the benefit of the representatives of the NGOs.The objective is to train the traianers from the point of view of this Awareness Campaign. The NGOs selected have the experience and expertise of working among the drug addicts, for over a decade. Five representatives from each NGO attended the session, one of them was the Chief Coordinator, and the rest were field level personnel. The guideline /handouts specially drafted by the Implementation Committee constituted by the Ministry for the training course were given to them. There are twenty four High schools in the District â€Å"A†selected for the program.Each NGO was allotted 12 Schools. The above initiative was in response to the directions of the Cabinet to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. This time-bound program is directed to be completed within a period of three months. The Deputy Minister of the Department was asked to personally monitor the program and present the report within the time stipulated. The strong reason for associating NGOs is: By experience it is observed that drug demand reduction is mainly a socio-spiritual initiative.The typical government approach bogged down to procedures, did not deliver the results in the past. a) Making the Deputy Minister take direct responsibility of this important social issue: According to the inputs before the Cabinet, the situation relating to the drug scenario in the schools has been alarming. Very inconvenient questions were raised in the Parliament about Government’s lethargy in not properly addressing the issue. The need for a sense of destination and direction to the combustible school-going generation in this age group was felt by the members of the Parliament.On a careful study of the scenario, the following reasons were cited by a Committee specially constituted by the Ministry to send the report to the Cabinet. What are the reasons for such moral collapse of the youngsters at the formative stage of their life? Five major issues were cited: a) Economic prosperity. The children get more than requir ed pocket money. The reasons and sources for children having more cash than is necessary for their normal needs however could not be ascertained. The students were not willing to share this information with the counseling team.b) The friendship-net of the drug-addicts is fast expanding. The teachers are afraid to take strong action against the students lest they will be charged under the various provisions of the Child Abuse Act. c) The same was the issue with the parents. In a few cases the children had initiated legal action against the parents under the above Act. d) With the divorce rate touching 55%, every second family was a broken family. Denied of love in the house and in the absence of a happy social interaction with the immediate family members, children looked out for other sources of enjoyment.e) The peer-pressure of the senior students was too much to resist. In some cases, the senior students did not hesitate to take recourse to coercive methods to drag the unwilling f riends to the drug joints. Deputy Minister’s accountability: â€Å"Deputy ministers are accountable to their Ministers, and to the Prime Minister through the Clerk of the Privy Council. (4) Deputy ministers are also accountable to the Public Service Commission and the Treasury Board for authorities directly delegated or assigned to them relating to financial and human resource management.(5) One of the Deputy Minister’s fundamental responsibilities is to support the Minister’s accountability to Parliament. Deputy Ministers and other departmental officials appear before parliamentary committees on behalf of their minister by answering questions and providing information, but they explain rather than defend or debate policies. Public servants do not have a public voice, or identity, distinct from their minister; they are anonymous. †(The Accountability†¦. ) The Deputy Minister has the dual responsibility in implementing the program.Even though the init ial grant of $50,000 was made available by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (the Deputy Minister’s own Ministry), further grants totaling to $ 5,000,000, for the broad implementation of the project all over the State were due shortly from the Finance Ministry, to be disbursed in two monthly installments. â€Å"As noted earlier, Deputy Ministers are assigned specific powers directly or through the Treasury Board under certain provisions of key acts of public administration without reference to their Minister.Specifically, the Financial Administration Act confers directly on Deputy Minister’s responsibility for the prudent management of resources allocated to their department, in compliance with certain Treasury Board policies, regulations, standards, and periodic audits. Responsibility relating to personnel management, including appointment, employer-employee relations, and the organization of the department, are assigned to deputy ministers directly by a number of acts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Review of†¦)Therefore, the Deputy Ministers have multiple accountabilities. To their Minister and the various Statutory Commissions constituted by the Government for controlling. But the Minister of the Department is the immediate and legal boss and he is answerable to the Minister, as for the general Management of the Department. The Deputy Minister needs to control and ensure that appropriate systems, management processes and instruments are maintained properly so that the performance monitoring goes on smoothly.The role of the Internal audit system for inspection and evaluation is very important and the surprise element of deployment of the staff designated for the purpose helps for a neat and clean administration. Irregularities and malpractices in the disbursement of financial allocations/grants need to be reported to the Deputy Minister well in time, for timely action. In the present case†¦. The Awareness Campaign conducted by the two N GOs had salutary effect on the students. Stunning facts came to the light that about 45-50% of the girl students, smoked, took alcohol and drugs. The percentage among the boys was about 70%.Mostly it was peer pressure, and as found during the Campaign, secret drug joints functioned in the vicinity of the educational institutions. Some peddlers visited the students at conspicuous places nearby on fixed days of the week. But the contents of the Awareness Campaign, lectures on the harmful effects of drugs, practical demonstration through slides/video/audio etc. had desired effects on majority of the students. Many openly declared that they were quite ignorant about the drastically damaging effects on health, by intoxication. Some students volunteered to attend counseling classes at the offices of the NGOs on regular basis.Such awareness campaigns have created highly positive effects on the impressionist minds of the youth. The above observations will place the Deputy Minister in a stro ng position to recommend to the Finance Minister for release of the intended grant of $ 5,000,000 for conduction of such Awareness Campaigns as a matter of policy, all over the State. For one round of Awareness Campaign consisting of two lectures on two altenative dates, expenses devolved are $ 1000, per day. An ad-hoc department is created in the Ministry by transferring suitable senior personnel on deputation basis and junior staff by fresh appointment.A skeleton Section has been formed to look after the immediate administrative needs. The priority of this Ministry is to build up diligent cadres who have a high sense of responsibility in relation to ethical morality. To involve in Awareness Campaigns related to drug demand reduction, one needs to develop missionary zeal. One needs to have a vision, not the legal government-employee relationship only. By saving one individual from deep drug addiction, an entire generation is rehabilitated. Conclusion: Can the Awareness Campaigns de liver tangible results in the area of drug demand reduction?The answer is in the positive. In view of the social conditions obtaining today, when the children are not assured the love they desire and deserve from the parents, due to reasons mentioned above, the School seems to be the place where they can get life-building exercises and lessons. Some of the reformed students have volunteered to actively participate and don the role of reformers, for the benefit of children in other schools. This is a highly positive development. It is now proved beyond doubt that holistic approach to cure drug addicts gives permanent results and the chances of relapse are minimal.So, the intended policy of the Government to associate NGOs that have the socio-spiritual approach, seems to be sound and adoption of this system is throughy recommended. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ References Cited: Article: The Accountability of Deputy Ministers before Parliament (PRB-05-48E). www. parl. gc. c a/information/library/PRBpubs/prb0548-e. htm – 29k Article: Review of the Responsibilities and Accountabilities of Ministers †¦ This is the general accountability of deputy ministers to the Treasury Board†¦ www. tbs-sct. gc. ca/report/rev-exa/ar-er04_e. asp – 21k
Thursday, November 7, 2019
For Counselors How to Write a Strong Recommendation Letter for Your Student
For Counselors How to Write a Strong Recommendation Letter for Your Student SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As a counselor, you play a huge role in helping students along the path to college. Throughout their four years, you support them in setting goals and making plans for after high school. When it comes time to apply, you write their letters of recommendation. Having worked as a college counselor and spent the past year as a grad student intern in a high school counseling department, I saw how much counselors do in the college planning and application process. I also saw the challenges of supporting large caseloads of students and writing hundreds of letters of recommendation, often around the same hectic time. Despite the mad rush, these counselors crafted eloquent letters customized to each and every one of their students. Based on my observations and my own experience writing letters for my students, I've compiled what I think is the most helpful advice for writing memorable and effective recommendations. I'll go over key content, structure, and style, as well as discuss what not to include in a recommendation letter. Since it's always good to keep your goals in sight, I'll start by going over the purpose of the counselor letter of recommendation. What are they for, and how do they differ from a teacher recommendation? What's the Purpose of the Counselor Letter of Recommendation? The counselor recommendation letter is givenserious consideration by admissions committees.Writing a strong letter of support is one more way that counselors can advocate for their students and help them achieve their academic and personal goals. While a teacher's recommendation may emphasize a student's academic abilities and attitude toward learning, a counselor can focus more on the student'spersonal growth and role within the school community.As a counselor, you can speak to the student's strength of character and interpersonal skills, as well as the student's goals during and following college. The best recommendations are specific and in depth, which can be a challenge for counselors with large caseloads. The national average ofstudent to counselor ratio is 471 to 1!How can a counselor get to know all her students well enough to write a personalized letter? Most schools ask students to fill out a "brag sheet," or to answer self-reflective prompts like, "Discuss a significant experience that shaped who you are today" or "Share an obstacle or challenge you overcame and what you learned from it." These brag sheets, combined with college meetings, can reveal a great deal about the student. This material, along with observations and the relationship you've had with the student over her four years in school, can go a long way toward informing your letter. To help you and students make the most of these meetings and brag sheets,what's the key content that you need for a strong letter of recommendation? What Should Go Into a Letter of Recommendation? Intuitively, most recommenders know that they should talk about their students' strengths and how great they would be at college. Most recommendation letters say positive things about a student. Butwhat makes some of them stand out among the restand truly impress admissions officers? What can you do as a counselor to boost your student's chances of getting in? The most effective letterspaint a specific portrait of a student.Rather than listing everything under the sun, they zero in on key strengths and qualities. They use powerful words, give a high ranking, avoid cliches, and tell specific stories to prove their characterization of a student. A good recommendation speaks to a student's past achievements and indicates confidence in her future success. Let's look more in depth at how to accomplish each of these things. Highlight Major Strengths and Impressive Personal Qualities The most memorable recommendation letters tell a specific story. Youdon't have to list everything on a student's resume, or strive to present them as the most well-rounded candidate the school will ever see. Often, admissions officers are impressed by a student's commitment to developing expertise or cultivating skill in a certain area. Deep achievement is generally more noteworthy than general dabbling, and your recommendation letter can reflect that. Stella's greatest strengths are her sensitivity to others and commitment to social justice. A budding intellectual, Jon is fascinated by new ideas and has a tremendous capacity to weigh many different opinions at the same time. An excellent student and strong leader, Maria stands out with her strong inner voice and assured sense of self. From Potions to Divination to History of Magic, there's no subject that Hermione hasn't mastered through sheer cleverness, effort, and determination. (This one might only work for magical universities.) I'm not suggesting that you leave out major strengths of your students, as you want to paint a dynamic picture of them as multifaceted individuals. But you should highlight the most important ones and avoid writing a list of everything they've done and been involved in. Plus, simply repeating a resume says nothing aboutyour relationship with the student.By highlighting her passion for volunteer work, love of historical research, commitment to sports, or fascination with physics, you're giving insight into what drives a student to do what she does and how she communicates and demonstrates her passions to those around her, including yourself. To best narrow down your thoughts, I've found it helpful to brainstorm what comes to mind when I think about a student. Is she especially intellectually curious, compassionate towards others, or interested in other cultures? Does she excel at creative problem-solving or at energizing others in a group setting? Once you've chosen the most important qualities that an admissions officer should know, think aboutspecific anecdotes and examplesyou can give to prove them. Let her actions speak even louder than your words. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Give Specific Examples and Anecdotes Your recommendation letter should definitelyinclude examples.Think of examples as proof of what you're saying. You can say a student is intellectual or philosophical, but that doesn't communicate very much or explain how you know that. Additionally, you could describe a conversation you had with the student about the role of technology in relationships and how she challenged you with ideas you'd never thought about before. Not only do stories help the student come to life and differentiate her from others with similar qualities, but they also show that you have a strong relationship with the student. By showing that you know her well, yourletter carries even more weight.In the eyes of admissions officers, you become especially qualified to assess her and provide a meaningful statement of support. Since I should practice what I preach, here are a few examples of using examples! Noah has an outgoing and inspiring presence in our school. As the star of our school's spring musical, he impressed everyone with his beautiful singing voice and flare for comedy. I remember laughing along with the crowd during one of his monologues, wondering how he managed to already have such tangible stage presence. Monica is remarkable for her caring and kindness toward others. After noticing that some students didn't have appropriate winter attire during last year's polar vortex, she organized a Hope Chest and donations closet, where students could "go shopping" for free gloves, scarves, boots, and coats. She even designed the closet to look like a store, with fancy coat hangers and colorful shopping bags. This extra touch and attention to detail showed me how sensitive and attuned she is to the feelings of others. To best depict your student in a memorable way, you should be careful with your language.Powerful adjectives and statements of high rankingwill stand out a lot more than language that sounds generic or lukewarm. Use Powerful Language and Rankings I found word banks of strong adjectives to be helpful when composing and revising letters. When I first sat down to write, all the cliches bounded into my head, eager to be of service. "Let's write about how she's is a good student with a lot of dedication and a heart of gold!" they'd insist. Not only would these sound cheesy and unspecific, they also don't do much to differentiate the student from anybody else. Sorry, cliches. I know you were just trying to help. Maybe next time. When drafting, and especially when revising, your letter, be on the lookout forambiguous, generic, or cliche language.Then think about what words you can use that would be more impactful and communicate exactly what you want to say. Instead of writing about how smart a student is, do you want to comment on her creative problem solving or nuanced understanding of complex issues? Is she particularly innovative in her insights or thorough in her research? Some powerful words includeanalytical, insightful, curious, observant, innovative,ormastery (of a specific subject area).Others that fall more in the arena of personal and professional strengths includemature, flexible, generous, empathetic, leader, versatile, ethical, motivated, ambitious, resourceful, andstrong communication skills. Of course, these descriptors are not sufficient on their own. As discussed above, you want touse examples from observations or interactionsto illustrate what you mean. Two students might both be ambitious but in very different ways. You always want to differentiate the applicant from all the others and comment on what makes her unique. Ahigh ranking,furthermore,can also go a long way from a counselor, especially one who has worked in the school for years. Statements like these say a lot. Always ready with a book suggestion and eager to get to English class, Juan is the most literary student I've ever worked with in my twelve years at Cumberland High School. In terms of academic talent, passion, and drive, Kate is one of the top three students I've known in my ten years as an educator. In my decade counseling students at Forks High School, I've never met a student as self-aware or driven as Edward. Saying someone is "above average" doesn't sound too strong, though, so you should probably leave out a statement of ranking unless it's particularly glowing. Finally, your letter can speak to a student's potential and talk about what you envision her doing at college and beyond. Speak to a Student's Future Success Admissions officers are aiming to build a class of dynamic, diverse students with a range of talents and interests. They want students whose past achievements point to their future success. As a counselor who has likely seen the student grow and develop over a transformative four years, you can speak to her continued growth in college. Assure admissions officers that your students will contribute academically and socially at college. Speak to what you see them doing, and how they'll be a major asset to their community. If the student has struggled in school, you could speak to her potential for growth. Statements like these can usually come in the conclusion of your letter. Based on the incredible resilience Ashley has shown throughout the challenges in her life, I have no doubt that she will continue to handle anything that comes her way with strength, grace, and a positive outlook. Considering all she's accomplished as Class President, I am confident that Sara will have a strong voice and leadership role on her college campus. Even with his mysterious absences, Edward has risen to top of his class. I'm sure he will continue to excel academically during this next chapter of his eternal life (Twilight: The College Years). While all of these elements are key for your letter of recommendation, are there any types of content that you shouldn't include in your letter? I touched upon a few of them above, but let's review what could make your letter ineffective. What Shouldn't Go Into a Letter of Recommendation? To reiterate the point, simplylisting out a student's activities and achievementswould make for a weak letter. It's not personal or insightful, and it's a reiteration of information that's present in other parts of the application. While you should speak to significant involvements, you should do so in a personal way - what drives the student and how has she demonstrated her skills, interests, or personality. On a similar note, writing about quantitative data, like GPA or number of years involved in each club, won't add much to a student's chances. It's like confirming that the student attended your school, without actually giving an assessment or recommendation. When you go through your letter, be on the lookout for generic language that could apply to a number of students. Similarly, revise anything that'sambiguous or hyperbolic. Overblown enthusiasm could sound insincere, while lukewarm praise could sound forced. Make sure you're not listing adjectives without examples. When you read over your letter, it should add value to an application by providing insight and differentiating the student from other applicants with similar grades and activities. Finally, you don't want to use a template that's very similar for a lot of students, especially if they're applying to the same colleges. Nearly identical letters would make you lose credibility in the eyes of admissions officers, and then your letter would do little to help a student get accepted. Once you've brainstormed the qualities you want to highlight and stories you want to tell, it's helpful to draft your letter with aclear structurein mind. How to Structure Your Recommendation Letter Your recommendation letter should be one page. In exceptional circumstances, you might continue onto two pages, but generally speaking it should be one full page. Less than that could look like you don't have much to say about a student. That might be the case, but admissions officers will notice that and interpret it as they will. In the introduction, you should state your recommendation for the student. Say who you are and how long and in what contexts you've known the student. This shows that you're qualified to make an assessment. As Sofia's counselor for the past four years at Degrassi High, I have had the pleasure of watching her grow into one of the most successful students in her class. James: inventor, sci-fi fan, coder extraordinaire. In my twelve years as a counselor at High School High, I've never seen a student more passionate about technological innovation than James, who has a skill for computer engineering far beyond his years. In the middle two to three paragraphs, you can dive into your assessment of the student, using the content and techniques talked about above. Highlight her impressive personal qualities, and talk about her growth. If there are any important challenges the student has had to overcome, you should share that as well. If the challenge is especially personal, I would double check with the student that she feels comfortable sharing that information. If you can tailor your assessment to the specific college, all the better. For highly selective colleges, you could attest to the student's ability to thrive in an academically rigorous environment. You could speak to her collaboration, communication, or leadership skills, to her flexibility or ambition, or to her resourcefulness and resilience. One of the most ethically driven and global minded students I've known in my 12 years as a counselor, Laura founded the Amnesty International Club at our school and worked tirelessly to involve her fellow students, faculty, and community in her campaigns for human rights and international justice. Tufts University, with its renowned international relations program, would be an ideal fit with her interests and goals for the future. As a creative, mature, and self-directed learner, Ana would thrive in Brown's environment, where she could explore her passion for science and build a rigorous curriculum that would match her goals. Finally, in the conclusion you should restate your support for the candidate. Provide a vision of what you see her accomplishing at college. Conclude with an invitation for admissions officers to contact you with any questions or for any further information. Be intentional with how you conclude your letter. Will readers be left with a strong impression of the student? Did your letter communicate exactly what you wanted to say? To review, let's go over the do's and don't's of writing a letter of recommendation. Key Points The best letters take time and thought to personalize, which can be tough to come by when you have hundreds of letters to write. By honing in on the key content and structure of good letters, you can streamline the process for yourself and cut out approaches that waste time or produce mediocre letters. Below are the key points that helped me the most when writing recommendation letters for students with all different interests, plans, and personalities. Do Be asspecificas possible, highlighting a student's major strengths and impressive personal qualities. Show, don't tell.Be demonstrative with stories and examples, rather than just descriptions. Use powerful, enthusiastic language and statements ofhigh ranking. Be careful not to use phrases that could be interpreted negatively. Talk aboutpersonal challengesthe student has overcome. Give your vision for how you see the studentcontributing to her college community. Don't Restate everything on a student'sresume. List quantitativedata. Describe a student without having examples to illustrate your points. Use generic, ambiguous, or hyperbolic language. Leave out essential insightsinto the student's character or motivations. Sound lukewarm or downright critical. Go too long or too short. Copy and paste from other letters. As a counselor, you're an indispensable part of a student's journey of self-discovery and post-high school planning. While all those letters can feel overwhelming, you're also one of the best people to advocate for your students and expertly write letters of recommendation that will help them get accepted to their dream schools. What's Next? What makes a strong letter of recommendation here?Check out ourfull guide and new examples here. For more insight on writing letters of recommendation, check out theseexamples of great college recommmendation letters from counselors. And to see what not to do, read these examples of bad recommendations from counselors (coming soon). 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Assessment of Basketball in Lexington, Kentucky
Assessment of Basketball in Lexington, Kentucky As an amateur anthropologist, I was to participate in my observation, which I did to the best of my ability. Choosing my topic was the most difficult for me. Coming to America there are so many options that I could choose to research. So what was I to do? Well, being in the state of Kentucky, Lexington at that, I decided to research a sporting event in which Americans call basketball. As soon as I stepped of the big metal bird, I saw a picture of a wild cat holding a round orange ball. I remember thinking, I could never hunt these animals, they are too smart, they are nothing similar to the ones in the Outback of Australia. So I stopped the person that rode next to me on the metal bird, What is that animal doing with that ball? He remarked, We are in Lexington, home of the Kentucky Wildcats. With that he walked away. How could Kentucky be considered the home of the wildcat? We have many in the Outback. So, I continued down the nest where the birds drink and rest. Then it finally hit me, the name of the basketball team were the Wildcats. I was well on my way to find these Kentucky Wildcats. I arrived where they house the wildcats that play ball. The name of the cage was Rupp Arena. Apparently, I was not the only one interested in watching these trained animals play the sport of basketball. The price to watch these animals were extremely expensive; thirty dollars in American currency which would translate into 300 of my own currency. Once inside the cage I found that it was not at all what I thought it to be. There was an enormous amount of people present. In my observation this event is the biggest that people in this culture attend. In this cage you could smell a variety of things. Some smells were all too familiar from home; the urine smell as you walked into the place where people went to relieve themselves reminded me of the Hole. They had many different foods that smelled nothing like anything that I have ever smelled before. They had a brown thing that was twisted into a weird design; they had something that was in the form of a triangle that looked like a piece o f bread with cheese on top and round meat. I later learned that this food was called pizza. I was introduced to sweet dirty water that they call Pepsi. They gave me little square chunks of ice to keep my Pepsi cold while I watch these animals play basketball. I was ready to go watch the animals. What a weird event that brought an extreme amount of people. As I enter the main room of the cage I find that the floor is made of wood with writing on it and there are two weird looking trees, one at each end of the court. I was overwhelmed by what I saw, I had to go down there and see what was going on. I figured there are a lot of people down there looking at the weird trees and the wood flooring with writing on it so why not join them. But what I was confused about was the fact that there were twenty-six people on this floor throwing orange balls into a ring attached on the trees. Maybe this was a ritual before the wildcats were brought out. As I try to take my first step onto the floor a man that was wearing a yellow coat with black lettering stopped me. He tried to explain that only payers could be on the floor. The expression on my face may have shown him that I was an outsider and he explained that the game was about to begin and I should take my seat. So before I found the correct seat after sitting in three other peoples seats, a man wearing a blue vest finally showed me to my seat. After sitting for ten minutes the villagers began standing. In order to attempt to fit in I did this also. After I stood, music began to play and for awhile it appeared that everyone was staring at me, but after a few moments I realized that they were looking at a flag which represents the United States. After the song was over, I did as the rest and sat down. I was ready to see the wild cats play basketball. To my surprise 10 of the twenty-six people that was throwing the orange ball into the rings on the trees walked out wearing their tribal colors, five on each tribe. Then thre e guys that were dressed like zebras walked out on to the floor with the two different tribes carrying the same orange ball that the tribal men were throwing up earlier. After everyone walked out onto the floor everyone began to yell as loud as they could and stomp their feet and clap their hands yelling, Go Wildcats. In absolute joy I stand up expecting to see the animals playing basketball, but instead it is the tribal men. They are running back and forth with the orange ball. Several of the men would throw the ball to the ground and it would bounce back up to them, as they would run with it. The tribal men would group themselves up in pairs and take turns standing in front of them waving their arms like they are crazy. I think that it was a ritual to do this to each other as to show respect for one another. The zebra looking men never touched the orange ball except when the made a loud noise through a little black thing they blew into. The zebras controlled tempers that both trib es would let explode into anger. Every time a tribe man would get hit by an opposite member of the tribe the zebra would blow his little black thing and hold up fingers towards the villagers in the bleachers. I noticed that this culture would use hand motions to communicate. As a participant I would mimic their actions and throw my hands in the air when they did. It was strange because the same motion would show either disgust or joy for their tribe. Some would even display their middle finger, which I took as a demeaning gesture. After twenty minutes of the tribes playing basketball, a loud horn sounded calling the tribes off the court. At this time all the villagers got up from their seat and go to the cages meeting place, where one could get food and beverage or urinate. Some would even put a small white stick to their mouth and proceed to catch it on fire. After thirty minutes everyone shuffled back into the stomping grounds in which were for before the big horn blew again. Once again the two tribal men took to the big wooden floor and the weird trees. I noticed that the chief was not wearing the same garments as his followers. He wore clothes that covered all his body except his face. The tribe men wore shirts with the sleeves ripped off and pants with half the legs cut off. I think that maybe the tribes men have battled prior to this meeting and this was the reason for their ragged garments. The chiefs never stepped onto the big wood floor. He did however wave his hands like a crazy man and even jumped up and down like the followers under him. Some of the men would even dive into the villagers to see if they were paying attention to what was unfolding before them. The assortment of the villagers was amazing. It seemed no matter if you had colored or you were pale you were accepted if you did well for the tribe and considered a disgrace if you hurt the tribe. Both tribes had people of different colors and ages. Some had graybeards and wrinkly skin and oth ers were too young to talk and show their approval for their tribe. All come out to show support and to encourage their respected tribe. After spending a Thursday night in a cage called Rupp Arena I learned that the tribes name is called the Wildcats and it is a competitive sporting event and nothing more. However, some of the villagers always think that they can do better than who represent them. I have found that if I live by these three rules in Rupp Arena one can successfully fill his/her role in compiling data; one- go along with the crowd, they have been around for awhile and know the ropes; two- yell loud for the tribe that traveled the least amount to get to Rupp Arena; three- smile and hit others hands when the orange ball goes through the ring on the tree. It is wise to yell for the tribe that you sit amongst. I would always have a person helping me to learn the game of basketball as Barbara Anderson had someone show her the ropes in the bathhouse. And to find out information about what was happening, I would ask just as she did to find out more about the culture in Denmark. As I just sat there observing the actions I found that everything was universal, the yelling, the hand gestures, and the jumping up and down. They were all actions that showed either disgust or joy for what was happening on the floor. This is a way that people can enjoy life and kick back and enjoy the actions that took place in front of them or it was a way for them to live their past through the current competitors. The weird trees I found out later are called goals in which the players would shoot the basketball. They would pass and dribble and the coach would teach his players to play defensive on the other team. I found it very hard to be just an observer and sometimes I would catch myself enjoying my surroundings and not doing the thing that I was there to do in the first place. I enjoyed it though because it enabled me to sit back and catch some people doing idiotic things that I probably sometimes do. Overall this was a fun project to take part in and I am glad that I was able to do it at a University of Ke ntucky basketball game.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Integrating Values - The Legality, Morality, and Social Responsibility Essay
Integrating Values - The Legality, Morality, and Social Responsibility of Nike - Essay Example The criticisms that were leveled against the organization bring to light the legal implications of carrying out business. It is necessary for a business to have a strong legal framework. The legal framework of a business compromises of the nature of work that is to be performed, the financial assets of the business and the long- and short-term goals that the business aims to achieve (Nathanson, 1995). The legal structure of the business gives rise to legal expectations that the society has from the business. Thereby, there are certain legal responsibilities that all businesses are required to meet as a constituent of the social contract that it has with the society. The legal responsibilities of a business are in effect manifestations of the society’s perception of â€Å"codified ethics†and reflect the primary perceptions of just conduct as defined by the law. The business is accountable to the society for the fulfillment of this role; failing to do so, the business is subjected to a political process where the dissidents are dealt with. Thus, public companies are liable to certain legal responsibilities and are required to comply with them as part of their role in producing goods and services for the society. Nike, however, has been the subject of criticism due to the fact that its policies and practices have not been observant of the laws and legal responsibilities set forth for businesses. It was in the early 1990s that criticism against Nike’s practices began to come to light.... The legal responsibilities of a business are in effect manifestations of the society’s perception of â€Å"codified ethics†and reflect the primary perceptions of just conduct as defined by the law (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2008). The business is accountable to the society for the fulfilment of this role; failing to do so, the business is subjected to a political process where the dissidents are dealt with. Thus, public companies are liable to certain legal responsibilities and are required to comply with them as part of their role in producing goods and services for the society. Nike, however, has been the subject of criticism due to the fact that its policies and practices have not been observant of the laws and legal responsibilities set forth for businesses. It was in the early 1990s that criticism against Nike’s practices began to come to light. Nike has been a famous name in the clothing and sports items industry. Seeing the large market share that it had abroa d and the appeal of lesser manufacturing costs, Nike outsourced to a number of countries more than a couple of decades ago. There was nothing wrong in subcontracting work to other factories in the Southeast region. Nike did not violate any laws and argued that it provided jobs to many people in the poor countries (Hill & Jain, 2009). However its prime motive was to increment the profits it made and to bring down the costs of manufacturing. For many years before the criticism being levelled against the organization gathered substantial support, ethical and legal aspects of business conduct did not enter the cost-profit equation of Nike. Nike’s factories overseas had poor working conditions despite the
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